
stalkdata  statlinks

Giovanni Garasto corso

La sezione comprende collegamenti a siti che basano i propri materiali didattici su esempi concreti ed esercizi. Vi sono anche siti che raccolgono dati utilizzabili per esercizi di statistica in genere.


Numerosi esercizi (tutoring su SPSS)
(Glyn Davis, University of Teesside)
The Shodor Foundation is a non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the advancement of science and math education, specifically through the use of modeling and simulation technologies. Included on this site are instructional resources and software ready to be used in the classroom.

Ben fatto, orientato alla didattica. Consultare Lessons e Tools.

Lezioni basate su esercizi e casi (in .pdf).

Discovering  Important  Statistical  Concepts  Using  SpreadSheets by Neville Hunt and Sidney Tyrrell, Coventry University, UK

Corso html/Excel, pieno di esempi e di esercizi.

Ce cours aborde les notions de base de statistiques indispensables aux étudiants de lettres et sciences humaines, et propose une formation aux outils informatiques pour le traitement statistique des données (Jean Véronis, Université de Provence).

Introduttivo, semplice, pratico, in francese.
Scaricabile StatAix, macro per Excel (Box-and-Whisker Plot)

The California State University
Social Sciences Research and Instructional Council
Teaching Resources Depository Home Page

Dataset per esercizi, corsi applicativi con esercizi (vedi Macroeconomics in Teaching Modules) e altro.

The focus of our target audience is full-time and part-time Master's students in quantitative social science research together with research students in ESRC related Departments. You will be introduced to data sources and method via a series of research questions. Once data have been extracted the training materials should take users through standard analyses.

Corso a partenza da questioni concrete. Scaricabile freeware statistico (SABRE) partendo dal sito del Center for Applied Statistics della Lancaster University (http://www.cas.lancs.ac.uk/).

Calculus Applied to Probability and Statistics
Liberal Arts and Business Majors
Buono con molti esempi ed esercizi (di Stefan Waner and Steven R.Costenoble, Hofstra University).
TimeWeb is a free service offering:
° Web-based time series databanks
° Materials to help you develop effective data-handling skills.
An On-line, Interactive, Computer Adaptive Testing Tutorial, 11/98 An On-line, Interactive, Computer Adaptive Testing Tutorial, 11/98
Lawrence M. Rudner (ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation).

Un sistema di esercizi di valutazione (CAT)

DASL (pronounced "dazzle") is an online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics methods. We hope to provide data from a wide variety of topics so that statistics teachers can find real-world examples that will be interesting to their students. Use DASL's powerful search engine to locate the story or datafile of interest. Additionally, students may make use of our course-based methods section to find data that suits a particular statistical technique given their current area of study.

Dati per esercizi, collegati a differenti materie. Valido.

Introduction to Business Statistics at Georgia State University Numerosi esercizi.
Calculus Applied to Probability and Statistics
Liberal Arts and Business Majors
Buono con molti esempi ed esercizi.
Evaluation of Intelligent Systems Evaluation of Intelligent Systems (EIS) is an online resource that provides "one-stop shopping" for managers, system-builders, researchers, and users who wish to study the empirical behavior of information systems.
The EIS Field Guide gives information on: Exploratory Data Analysis; Hypothesis Testing; Modeling; Statistical terminology; On-line Statistical Tools.

Teoria basata sulla pratica. Ben fatto.

Appunti ed esercizi sparsi.
The Internet Projects Page is designed to help you understand statistics by analyzing real data and interacting with graphical demonstrations of statistical concepts.

Sotto forma di esercizi con annesso percorso didattico.


estensore del corso e webmaster
giovanni f. garasto
docente presso la scuola di specializzazione in igiene e medicina preventiva della
università di ferrara

(esercitazioni di statistica)
e-mail: grg@unife.it