Molti sono i collegamenti a siti con corsi di statistica introduttiva, specialmente in lingua inglese. Da questa sezione sono stati esclusi collegamenti a siti con materiali didattici specializzati, per i quali si rimanda alla sezione Statlized. |
Voluminoso manuale gratuito in italiano, ottimo e chiaro, del prof. Lamberto Soliani dell'Università di Parma |
SticiGui | Statistics Tools for Internet and Classroom
Instruction with a Graphical User Interface. FONDAMENTALE. |
StatPrimer, Version 5.1 |
online, public-domain instructional manual. B. Gerstman ( & Marg Innovera. ". . . the higher statistics are only common sense reduced to numerical appreciation." -- Karl Pearson..." Davvero ottimo, introduttivo, con molti esercizi. |
The SurfStat project started in 1994 with the
brave but naive intent of making an existing set of course notes
available online as hypertext. It has since grown to include an
extensive glossary, interactive exercises, JavaScript functions
replacing statistical probability tables, and the beginnings of a set of
Java applets demonstrating statistical concepts through dynamic
graphics. It is the primary learning resource for students taking
STAT101 at the University of Newcastle, Australia. The original course notes were written by Annette Dobson in 1987, and updated over several years' use by Anne Young, Bob Gibberd and others. Ottimo percorso, con applets ed esercizi. |
The Data Analysis BriefBook |
The BriefBook is a condensed handbook, or an extended glossary, written in
encyclopedic format, covering subjects in statistics, computing, analysis,
and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and reference for
data analysts, scientists and engineers. The Data Analysis BriefBook has been prepared by R.K.BOCK and W.KRISCHER, both at CERN (Geneva). Strutturato come glossario. |
This Electronic Statistics
Textbook offers training in the understanding and application of
statistics. The material was developed at the StatSoft R&D
department based on many years of teaching undergraduate and graduate
statistics courses and covers a wide variety of applications, including
laboratory research (biomedical, agricultural, etc.), business
statistics and forecasting, social science statistics and survey
research, data mining, engineering and quality control applications, and
many others. The Electronic Textbook begins with an overview of the relevant elementary (pivotal) concepts and continues with a more in depth exploration of specific areas of statistics, organized by "modules," accessible by buttons, representing classes of analytic techniques. A glossary of statistical terms and a list of references for further study are included. Molto ben fatto, scaricabile. |
The Textbook has components which can be used
on all levels of statistics teaching. It is disguised as an introductory
textbook, perhaps, but many parts are completely unsuitable for
introductory teaching.
Molto valido (cercare l'Electronic Textbook in Publications). Interessanti anche le sezioni History of statistics e Journals on the Web. |
HyperStat Online Textbook | ottimo |
Rice Virtual Lab con Hyperstat e ottime applets e casi studio, scaricabili. | |
This website provides curriculum support
materials for teachers of introductory statistics.
Ottimo (usare Word per vedere e scaricare). |
site is dedicated to the free dissemination of knowledge on the
world-wide web. Its home base is Vassar College.
The author is Richard Lowry, Professor of Psychology, Vassar
College, Poughkeepsie, NY USA Siti gemelli, uno con testo, l'altro con tavole statistiche, calcolatori, esercizi. |
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Ottimo percorso (con Exploratory Data Analysis) di NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)-SEMATECH |
Data Analysis: Prove It with Statistics |
Davvero ottimo, metodologico, con link specialistici, in unica pagina HTML.(prof.Hossein Arsham, Università di Baltimora, USA). |
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The objective of this course is to help
students develop a basic understanding of the use and interpretation of
descriptive and inferential statistics as used in education and the
behavioral, social, life, and physical sciences. Concepts in descriptive
statistics include graphic representation of data, central tendency
(centers), variability (spread), correlation, and regression.
Inferential statistical concepts include estimation and hypothesis
testing of means, correlations, and frequencies involving one and two
samples.Through the use of multimedia computer courseware (ActivStats)
and statistical analysis software (Data Desk), emphasis will be put on
doing and interpreting statistics rather than on memorizing formulas or
performing manual calculations.
Valido, con esercizi risolti interessanti. |
INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS | Ottimo, di David Stockburger. |
HANDBOOK FOR A STATISTICS PROJECT | Ottimo, di David Stockburger |
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The course will be oriented around teaching
you how to perform and interpret basic statistical analyses by personal
computer. We will work with a "spreadsheet" program to perform
the analyses.
Ottimo corso di Gene Glass, semplice, pratico, ricco di
spiegazioni ed esercizi. |
The Research Methods Knowledge
Base is a comprehensive web-based textbook that addresses all of the
topics in a typical introductory undergraduate or graduate course in
social research methods. It covers the entire research process
including: formulating research questions; sampling (probability and
nonprobability); measurement (surveys, scaling, qualitative,
unobtrusive); research design (experimental and quasi-experimental);
data analysis; and, writing the research paper. It also addresses
the major theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of research
including: the idea of validity in research; reliability of measures;
and ethics. The Knowledge Base was designed to be different from
the many typical commercially-available research methods texts. It
uses an informal, conversational style to engage both the newcomer and
the more experienced student of research. It is a fully
hyperlinked text that can be integrated easily into an existing course
structure or used as a sourcebook for the experienced researcher who
simply wants to browse.
Originale e molto interessante (belle mappe d'orientamento). Di William M.K. Trochim (Professor in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University). |
Ninth Edition, T D V
Swinscow. Revised by M J Campbell, University of Southampton:
Tradizionale, di base, non complesso. |
A New View of
Statistics, ©2000 Will G.Hopkins. I have written these pages for researchers and students in the sport and exercise sciences. I also hope to get hits from students and researchers struggling to understand stats in other disciplines. If you're new to stats, most of what you read here will be a new view. But even if you have done some stats, there's plenty here that's new. For example, I've discarded most details of computation, in the hope that you will get a better understanding of the concepts. Let's leave the computations to the computers! Molto ricco e en fatto, con quiz. |
Corso di statistica di base (prof.Bruce Campbell). | |
Molto ben fatto.Come glossario illustrato. | |
Numerose letture di statistica, nell'ambito della didattica della psicologia (NC UNiversity). | |
The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice |
Buono, del prof. Gerard E.Dallal (Tufts University, Boston). |
Business Statistics: Revealing Facts from Figures | Buono, con link specialistici, in unica pagina HTML.(prof.Hossein Arsham, Università di Baltimora, USA). |
La statistica spiegata in forma di glossario. | |
Visual Statistics with Multimedia
Ottima trattazione multimediale, con differenti sezioni, tra cui: |
The Statistical Instruction Internet
Palette The palette consists of a data gallery; a data web; computing and graphing studios that allow the computatio of statistics and plotting of graphics remotely of the internet; and an annotated formula gallery. Examples oh how these resources are integrated into our on-line instruction are provided. |
Il corso (PA 765), molto interessante, del
prof. David Garson (NC State University) è accessibile dalle Statnotes. Interessanti anche i link (Statistical Texts) ed un altro corso (PA541) su GIS accessibile dalla sezione Websites. |
(Computer-Assisted Statistics Teaching) is a complete course in
Introductory Statistics. Two extra modules have been added to the original CAST. These modules are intended for use as resources in advanced statistics courses. Scaricabile per versione standalone oppure online. Interessante il modulo aggiuntivo su regressione non lineare. |
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Semplice ma ricca didattica sulla statistica di base (DIG sta per statistica Descrittiva, Inferenziale e Grafica). |
Although these pages were written for behavioral statistics at Ohio University, they should be usefull for anyone taking introductroy statistics or in need of basic statistical information. View the animated demonstrations and practice your computational skills by trying the problems. Now you can complete the problems on-line with a new interactive format that allows you to check your work as you go. | |
Introduction to Descriptive Statistics | Pochissimi argomenti di statistica, trattati in modo semplice con l'ausilio di esercizi. |
Di supporto a testo dell'autore,. Interessante la parte su randomization e bootstrapping. |
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An Interactive
Environment for Teaching Statistics Sistematico e basato su java con dettagliate spiegazioni. Ben fatto |
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Sito del CIRDIS (Centro
Interuniversitario di Ricerca per la
Didattica delle Discipline Statistiche, presso l'Università di Perugia). Varie utilità. |
Lezioni (metodologiche) molto ben fatte del dott.Ronny Richardson della Georgia's Technology University. Partire dalla sezione Common Material. Inoltre visitare anche la sezione Research and Presentations (con Operations Analysis Using Excel). | |
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Le projet SMEL propose une initiation
interactive à la statistique, articulée en trois couches. La couche articles
propose des textes, contenant des exemples d'utilisation de la
statistique. La couche Lexique contient un index des termes
statistiques, référencés dans les articles et expliqués dans des
pages séparées. La couche Cours est un cours de statistique au
sens classique. C'est à ce cours que renvoient les boutons "plus
de détails" des termes simples et développés. Les applets illustrant les mots développés utilisent le plus souvent des données réelles. Des activités de simulation sont également disponibles. Les liens permettent de naviguer dans le projet à volonté, depuis n'importe laquelle des trois couches. Pour se familiariser avec les activités proposées, nous conseillons de visiter la page des courbes de croissance. Materiali di statistica medica vari (in francese), scaricabili. Molto interessante la sezione Articles. |
Stat 201 Modules | Molto introduttivo, pratico, con esercizi ed esempi (West Virginia University) |
Numerosi link con tutorials vari, applets ed altro. | |
Statistical Education Resource Kit. This web site contains a collection of resources used by faculty in Penn State's Department of Statistics in teaching introductory statistics courses. Ottimo, con esercizi (partire da Main Page). |
Tools for Teaching and Assessing Statistical Inference | Pochi argomenti con chiaro approccio didattico (in Materials). |
Corsi di statistica, epidemiologia e informatica. | |
Rodney Carr's Home Page | Corsi di matematica e statistica per utenti registrati e a pagamento. |
30X Class Notes
Trattazioni sommarie e applets. |
Il manuale, chiaro e ricco, del prof.Soliani. | |
Newsom's Stats Notes |
Appunti per un corso di statistica di un professore della Portland State University. |
This module is an interactive tutorial which gives a comprehensive view
of Probability and Statistics. This interactive module covers basic
probability, random variables, moments, distributions, data analysis
including regression, moving averages, exponential smoothing, and
clustering. The Probability and Statistics refresher module is intended
for use by DAU course participants.
Ben articolato corso on line (utilizzare la mappa subway per
orientarsi). |
Welcome to Wikipedia, a collaborative project to
produce a free and complete encyclopedia in every language ...... The
content of Wikipedia is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License,
which means that it is free and will remain so forever.
Molte definizioni, variamente intrecciate tra loro. In varie lingue, non ancora italiano. |
estensore del corso e webmaster |