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Giovanni Garasto corso

La sezione è dedicata a collegamenti con siti che trattano argomenti specifici (probabilità bayesiana e non, tecniche di ricampionamento, ecc. ecc.). 

Sul ricampionamento (by Julian L. Simon
Second Edition published October 1997).

NonParametric STATistical Testing

NPSTAT and NPFACT are a subset of programs developed to carry out computer intensive analysis (such as randomization tests but not bootstrapping). They provide nonparametric methods of null hypothesis testing.

Programmi e relativa documentazione scaricabili dal Dipartimento di Psicologia dell'Università di Victoria.

Guide to Basic Laboratory Statistics

This is an informal guide to elementary inferential statistical methods used in the laboratory. It is not a text on statistics. Instead, the focus is on the proper planning of experiments and the interpretation of results

Semplice e sintetico ma ben orientato al tema.

Trellis Display

Trellis display is a framework for the visualization of multivariable databases. Its most prominent aspect is an overall visual design, reminiscent of a garden trelliswork, in which panels are laid out into rows, columns, and pages. On each panel of the trellis, a subset of the data is graphed by a display method such as a scatterplot, curve plot, boxplot, 3-D wireframe, normal quantile plot, or dot plot.

Interessante. Basato su software S-Plus.

The complete guide to nonlinear regression (Dr. Harvey Motulsky, president of GraphPad Software).


Unlike statistics texts that emphasize mathematics, Intuitive Biostatistics focuses on proper scientific interpretation of statistical tests. The book is perfect for researchers, clinicians and students who need to understand statistical results published in biological and medical journals. Intuitive Biostatistics covers all the topics typically found in introductory texts, and adds several topics of particular interest to biologists - including multiple comparison tests, nonlinear regression and survival analysis.

Sito commerciale, Alcuni argomenti del gratuiti (tra cui Choosing a test).

Dr. Hossein Arsham Importante, con link specialistici a differenti corsi (uso di Excel, Decision Making, Data Analysis, ecc.) in unica pagina HTML.(prof.Hossein Arsham, Università di Baltimora, USA).
Di supporto a testo dell'autore.
Interessante la parte su randomization and bootstrapping. Esaminare anche la sezione New materials not in book.
Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods Molto ricco.
Linear Regression (and Best Fit) Lezione articolata sull'argomento (di Amar Patel).


Calcolatori, due manuali (introduttivo e sull'analisi multivariata), esercizi, ecc.
(Capitolo introduttivo sull'algebra).
Vedi anche i testi di Stockburger.
MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Ottimo, di David Stockburger.
This document is set up to allow the user of multivariate statistics to get assistance in the choice of multivariate technique to use and the state the data must be in to use the desired technique. A series of links enable the user to view areas of interest in relation to multivariate statistical theory, use, and application.
By Mike Wulder.(Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service).


Buon sito specifico (generazione di numeri casuali on line).
This web site is designed to assist researchers and students who want an easy way to perform random sampling or assign participants to experimental conditions.

Per generare numeri causali, con istruzioni.

Complesso manuale sulla probabilità (.pdf)
Probabilità e statistica.
Probability Piccole spiegazioni sulla probabiliyà.
The probability of finding useful information at this site is 100 percent! Probability Central contains a simple five-part introduction to basic probability theory with a review quiz. Topics covered include probability properties, models, and rules. A poker game illustrates the laws of probability in a real-life situation, the probability calculator gives the likelihood of two different events both happening or either happening at the same time, and there are also links to related sites. Languages: English.
Ottimi links. Include pacchetto statistico.
The function of this website is to serve as a resource for members of ISBA and for the larger community of individuals who have an interest in Bayesian statistics.
Epidemiology for the uninitiated Ottimo.
Sito ufficiale di epi_info in italiano.
Software scaricabile.
Epidemiology Tools on the Net
Statistica applicata all'epidemiologia.
Corsi di statistica, epidemiologia e informatica.

Data Analysis With Epi Info

Di B.Burt Gertstman (nov.2000).
Estrema sintesi in Some statistical basics
Buon libro di epidemiologia veterinaria.
Contiene utile software di epidemiologia veterinaria, scaricabile (Survey Toolbox).

A Dictionary of (Ecological) Epidemiology

Glossario sintetico.
Clinical Epidemiology Glossary Buon glossario.


estensore del corso e webmaster
giovanni f. garasto
docente presso la scuola di specializzazione in igiene e medicina preventiva della
università di ferrara

(esercitazioni di statistica)
e-mail: grg@unife.it