Questa sezione è riservata ai collegamenti con siti che forniscono software gratuito (tutorials, applets, routines varie). |
SticiGui | Statistics Tools for Internet and Classroom
Instruction with a Graphical User Interface. FONDAMENTALE. |
MANET | Missings Sre Now Equally Treated. MANET has been developed for two reasons: to implement interactive graphics tools for data sets with missing values and to provide a platform for trying out new interactive ideas. MANET is for exploring data, whether raw data, transformed data or model residuals. MANET provides a range of graphical tools specially designed for studying multivariate features. Analisi esplorativa (grafica) e rattazione dati mancanti (software scaricabile). |
Sila stands for 'Statistical Inference
Laboratory'. It teaches students the concepts of statistical inference
which many of them find hard to understand.
Interessante software scaricabile per apprendere la statistica. |
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Materiali di statistica vari (in francese), scaricabili. |
Moduli didattici da scaricare. | |
The Globally Accessible Statistical Procedures initiative is designed to make statistical routines easily available via the WWW. The routines currently available have been divided into two categories, data analysis and educational. For the data analysis procedures, users need only choose the routine of interest and then enter the data as well as any other necessary information into a form or a Java applet. | |
Ottimi links. Include pacchetto statistico. | |
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The objective of the Bayesian Analysis,
Computation, and Communication project is to make Bayesian software
and related resources available to users at all levels.
Software gratuito per l'analisi bayesiana. |
Contiene utile software di epidemiologia veterinaria, scaricabile (Survey Toolbox). | |
Smith's Statistical Package |
Smith's Statistical Package is a very user-friendly statistics program |
Excel For Introductory Statistical Analysis |
Buono, con link, in unica pagina HTML (prof.Hossein Arsham, Università di Baltimora, USA). |
Welcome to DISCUS! | Discovering Important
Statistical Concepts Using Spreadsheets (by Neville Hunt and Sidney
Tyrrel, 1995).
Esercizi in Excel commentati. |
Add-in's per Excel. | |
Microsoft Excel Interactive Projects |
Applets for Visualization of Statistical Concepts
Applets per la statistica, suddivise nelle sezioni Basics, Tests, Regression e ANOVA (solo on line). |
Rice Virtual Lab con Hyperstat e ottime applets e casi studio, scaricabili. | |
Statlets! This collection of of Java applets comes from NWP Associates, Inc. Datasets up to 100 rows, 10 columns can be analyzed for free; anything larger requires a subscription. | |
Alcune spiegazioni su un numero molto limitato di argomenti, con applets ben fatte. | |
(Computer-Assisted Statistics Teaching) is a complete course in
Introductory Statistics.
Scaricabile per versione standalone () oppure online. |
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Risorse varie. |
Usi di quicktime e java applets per dimostrare alcuni concetti statistici di base. | |
The CUWU Statistics Program | Alcune applet scaricabili. |
Applet scaricabile (Tyche) per l'analisi statistica. | |
Tutorials vari con applets, ed altro. | |
The Probability/Statistics Object Library |
The goal of this project is to provide
interactive, web-based resources for students and teachers of
probability and statistics.
Esercizi e applets molto validi. |
Laboratorio Virtuale di Probabilità e Statistica | Versione italiana scaricabile del sito americano di cui sopra. |
Interactive Java Tools For Exploring High Dimensional Data | File scaricabile con numerose applets per la statistica (James W. Bradley and R. Webster West, University of Alabama in Huntsville). |
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Applets scaricabili. |
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Buoni demo statistici con java. |
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Collegamenti a numerosissimi siti con software statistico (in genere commerciale). |
This page is a summary of available software
for the analysis of surveys with complex sample designs. Specifically,
it includes software that can do variance estimation with such survey
Anche per un'analisi comparata dei pacchetti statistici. |
Calcolatori, due manuali (introduttivo e
sull'analisi multivariata), esercizi, ecc. (Capitolo introduttivo sull'algebra). Vedi anche i testi di Stockburger. |
NPSTAT and NPFACT are a subset of programs
developed to carry out computer intensive analysis (such as
randomization tests but not bootstrapping). They provide nonparametric
methods of null hypothesis testing. Test non parametrici (scaricabile software). |
Ottima serie di calcolatori on line (es.: sample size). | |
Per generare numeri causali, con istruzioni. | |
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Analisi statistiche direttamente da internet. |
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Buon sito specifico (generazione di numeri casuali on line). |
estensore del corso e webmaster |